The Home of Arena Football Fans since 1998

Does this investment have a chance to pay off?

The costume, when viewed from the point of view of profit, has two lives: the first when we perform, winning prizes in competitions, and the second when it gets to another fan (usually from abroad) who is ready to buy it.

How often do cosplay contests take place?

Hundreds of cosplay contests take place every year around the world, including European championships (EuroCosplay and European Cosplay Gathering) and international competitions (Cosplay World Masters, CCCC).

Which cosplays get the most recognition in competitions?

There are usually many nominations in cosplay contests and awards are given for them, for example, "Best Dress", "Best Presentation", "Best Group Presentation", "Best Match". In competitions that are eliminations to international competitions, one prize is usually awarded, but the regulations clearly define the method by which jury points are awarded.

If the jury is competent, they don't award the largest costume, but the one that is most meticulously executed and best reflects the reference illustration (a graphic showing the character the costume is made on). In a word: the strongest wins.

Beginner Tips

Be patient in your work and always respect the work of others. It's better to do something right than to do it quickly.

If you like to do it yourself, nothing stops you from trying your hand at designing and creating an image. It's a lot of fun and a lot of satisfaction, especially for people with a passion for needlework and artistic flair.

You can purchase some special props for your look at the online store
