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Sport has long been an integral part of many cultures, from the first Olympic Games to modern favorites like American football and baseball. The idea of competition, winning and losing, teamwork and strategy have greatly influenced our games and sports over the years. Here are 10 factors that this sport has influenced slot machines over the years.

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Leagues are more popular than ever

According to a Gallup poll, more than three-quarters of Americans follow professional sports, up from just under two-thirds in 1990. The growing popularity has helped to increase awareness of individual leagues and interest in slot games.

Professional sports offer ample opportunities for visual and sound effects, which often find their way into slots. They also generate frequent news about team performance and player successes, which slot manufacturers use to attract players.

The development of online casinos

The internet has given way to a new era of gaming and entertainment and now these new platforms can be accessed with just a few clicks of the mouse. While slot machines are still a popular choice, you will find that it is much easier to get into an exciting game when you are sitting at home in your comfort zone.

If you are interested in keeping up to date with all things casino, visit one of the five most popular Danish casinos at right now! There are plenty of options, from huge jackpots to unlimited bonus rounds, so read our list below to find out more about how sport has influenced slot machines over time.

Introduction of bonus rounds

As slot games become more and more popular, it is important for casino owners to differentiate their machines from others. One way to do this was to add bonus rounds where players could win extra money or multipliers.

Bonus rounds began as a concept in 1991 in Money Bonus and continue to be a staple of modern slot machines. They have also been a catalyst for innovation; for example, manufacturers added 3D visual effects when some players found it difficult to clearly see the spinning reels from across the room.

Licensed sports

Licensed sports are one of the two main sources of revenue in land-based casinos. In addition, almost all slot manufacturers are owned by casino companies and these machines are programmed to pay out more often than non-sports slots, meaning they are very profitable.

And profitable games have a huge impact on how people play because they attract attention (and therefore players). For example, some estimates show that a person is ten times more likely to play a sports-themed slot machine than a non-sports-themed slot machine. So, it is obvious why licensed sports (like baseball) have influenced the game over time.

Branded slot machines

With mobile gaming becoming more popular every year, slot games had to evolve to stay relevant. As a result, many casinos have decided to offer branded slot machines for popular games such as Star Wars or Marvel Superheroes.

However, it's not just about being recognizable; branded slot machines often include special features and bonus rounds that contain exclusive content for said title. Of course, this does not allow you to win at online slots every time, but it makes the process of playing more exciting.

Technological improvements

Ten years ago, playing these slots from home was impossible. To play, you would have to physically go to a gambling establishment, which can be quite inconvenient for those who work full-time. However, now that technology is exponentially advancing, everyone has access to these games at any time of the day or night through their personal computer or smartphone.

This makes a trip to Las Vegas with friends or family easier for many people who might not otherwise be able to break away from work or other commitments. Also, as technology becomes even more prevalent in everyday life, there are likely to be other changes that will make gaming much more mobile than ever before.

Slots for eSports

Many people think that the game does not require skills, but they are wrong. A professional eSports player has trained and practiced for years to be able to compete at the highest level - it's just as talented as real sports like tennis or basketball.

The best players are some of the biggest stars in their respective games, earning hundreds of thousands (sometimes millions) of dollars a year from prize money, endorsement deals and live broadcast deals.

Video slots themes

Video slots originated from slot machines and have enjoyed success over time due to their ability to keep things fresh by adding new themes.

For example, in 2017, online casino site Online Casino City launched new video slots based on six popular HBO series: "Game of Thrones, Westworld, Silicon Valley, Veep, Last Week Tonight with John Oliver and Curb Your Enthusiasm.

Adding team play components to games

All sports usually have team players. The idea of teamwork translates very well to video games. Early arcade games involved a lot of teamwork and cooperation between players. It makes sense to use what people already know.

That's why squads are so common in most modern games. Many games now offer team play options for those who want to try playing with each other rather than against each other. You can find them in many genres such as first-person shooters and adventure games! Whether it is a simple co-op or a full-blown MMO, there is always an option available if you want it!

Using apps for mobile games

In 2015, about 57% of millennials in Europe used their mobile phones while playing games. It is said that 80% of these millennials use their smartphones or tablets to play games such as slot machines, poker and roulette. The growth of mobile gaming apps is projected to double by 2022.


Over the years, sports have influenced slot machines and it is important to know how. From sports stars appearing in marketing campaigns to big jackpots thanks to increased TV advertising revenue, there are many stories of how sports have shaped the modern gambling industry as we know it today.
