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Until the end of this century, the leisure of every person is likely to increase. The age of graduation from school may possibly be increased from 16 to 18 years, the retirement age may be significantly reduced, and the work week, as a result of technological progress, may be reduced to four days. Leisure education will be a priority. The mental horizon of the average person, largely limited at this time by issues directly related to his work, will expand due to leisure. The most important task of the general educational process will be to prepare the adult population for how to use this leisure.

Considering precisely such tasks of the future, for example, CountyTestorp College (opened three years ago) was planned. It is designed to give progressive education opportunities to all residents of the area who wish to take advantage of them. It provides services to students from 14 to 19 years of age who are undergoing a full course of training, adults interested mainly in practical subjects, and all who wish to prepare for the General Certificate of Education (CCA) as an adult; It also includes a youth center. The whole complex will be used for all these purposes, sometimes at the same time, but more often separately at different hours of the day and evening throughout the year.

Some general colleges include major sports and art centers, including theater complexes, swimming pools and branches of public libraries. Some parts of these colleges, for example, rooms for music and decoration, are directly accessible - under the supervision of college workers - to the public, that is, anyone who wants to use them (for a small fee) to take pictures, make furniture or metal products, do music, etc., without requiring training in these subjects. Collaborative full-time adult education with high school students (17-19 year old students) is encouraged. Such training is already being conducted in two of these colleges. High school students are preparing for the CCA at an advanced level.

Prospects for the design and adaptation of educational institutions are extremely vast. Planning should be versatile and take into account all the social and educational needs of the area served. For example, in general secondary schools, school halls, where all teachers and students can gather once a day, become unnecessary and, in any case, uneconomical. Where is it better to build a small theater hall, say 300 seats, which will be used for exhibitions of fine arts, concerts, as well as performances of all kinds. A theater studio should also be organized. The theater complex can be serviced by a group of acting teachers who would spend half their time teaching the dramatic art and rhythm of movements in nearby schools, and the other half would stimulate interest in amateur theater and act as a troupe in the theater itself.

Schools are public buildings that are used with the least intensity. Can we education specialists allow this situation to continue? I believe not.
